Comic Book Blog

Just one guy's thoughts on various comic books.


Two MIA books

Where are Wanted #6 and Wolverine: The End #6? One book I want to read in order to find out how it ends because I'm interested. The other book I'd like to have since I had to suffer through the first five issues and just want it to be over with. Guess which is which.


Persons of Mass Destruction

Oddly enough, in his New York Times column today, Thomas Friedman uses the term "people of mass destruction" while talking about Iraq. Why is this relevant to a comic book blog space? See Ultimates 2, #1. Captain America referred to as a "person of mass destruction." I thought it was an interesting coincidence.


Wolverine - Return of the Native

I was just re-reading Wolverine: Return of the Native by Greg Rucka and Darick Robertson. Overall, I think they did a pretty good job with the character (especially Robertson's art!) but the relationship with the federal agent from the first story arc (Cassie Lathrop?) seems to have completely disappeared. I like how nowadays when a new creative team leaves a book, the new creative team can completely disregard any of the story that the previous creators wrote. The penultimate sentence of this post is sarcastic.


Finally!! A Sub-Mariner movie!

Finally, the Sub-Mariner gets the respect he deserves with a full feature film treatment!

Who am I kidding? The Sub-Mariner is like Aquaman. Nobody cares.

New Avengers is a 500 Issue Run??

The solicit reads:

After the devastating destruction of the original Avenger’s just what sort of threat to the world could persuade Captain America to assemble an all new team? And after the events of AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED, who could possibly be on this team? The answer to the biggest secret in comics is only found right here. Get ready for the first of a proposed 500-issue run that signals an all-new era, as Bendis & Finch join with you, the fervent faithful, for the launch of the all-new ongoing Avengers series!
PRICE: $2.25

Are they serious? A 500 issue run? How can someone map out 500 issues of a series? That's on the order of 30 years. I know for Bendis it's probably three or four story arcs but still, that's quite an ambitious run.