Comic Book Blog

Just one guy's thoughts on various comic books.


Long Time...

It's been a long time since I've posted to this blog, primarily because I've had a tough time just maintaining the Kitchen Fresh Blog. But the July previews for Marvel have come out and I thought something disturbing regarding the House of M crossover solicitation was worth posting here:

The solicitation states:
"The last page of this issue will blow your minds and crack the Internet right in half!"

Now, I read the internet rumors and advance solicitations probably as much as anyone else. But the idea that the writers are trying to stump fans who discuss comics on the web is silly. Just tell us good stories. Frankly, from everything I've seen, House of M does not look like it will be a good story. I sure hope I'm wrong, since it seems like a long time since the X-Men and Avengers showed up in the same story.